Adding your Shorthand Embed script to Drupal
This how-to guide will walk you through how to add the Shorthand Embed code to Drupal.
Step 1: Publish your Shorthand Story.
Select the "Publish" button in the top right of the Shorthand editor, and publish that story to your subdomain:
Step 2: Copy the Embed code.
- Under your published URL, you will see several options.
- Click the "COPY EMBED CODE" button:
Step 3: Insert your embed script into Drupal
- Begin by creating a new article.
- Add a title for your story
- Scroll to the dropdown called 'Text format' and set this to 'Full HTML'
- Within the text editor, click 'Source'
- Paste the embed code you previously copied into the editor.
- Click 'Save'
You can now preview or publish your post or page to view the embedded story in Drupal.
Please note: When embedding, stories may not appear full-width or align perfectly on your site. This is because your Drupal site stylings may override Shorthand stylings, or the page template is not set to full-width. See the CSS tips in this article for assistance in adjusting page width.