This how-to guide will walk you through how to add the Shorthand Embed code to Drupal.

Step 1: Publish your Shorthand Story.

Select the "Publish" button in the top right of the Shorthand editor, and publish that story to your subdomain:

Step 2: Copy the Embed code.

  1. Under your published URL, you will see several options.  
  2. Click the "COPY EMBED CODE" button:

Step 3: Insert your embed script into Drupal

  1. Begin by creating a new article.
  2. Add a title for your story
  3. Scroll to the dropdown called 'Text format' and set this to 'Full HTML'
  4. Within the text editor, click 'Source'
  5. Paste the embed code you previously copied into the editor.
  6. Click 'Save'

You can now preview or publish your post or page to view the embedded story in Drupal.

Please note: When embedding, stories may not appear full-width or align perfectly on your site. This is because your Drupal site stylings may override Shorthand stylings, or the page template is not set to full-width. See the CSS tips in this article for assistance in adjusting page width.