Text columns can be adjusted to best suit the text and images in your story.

Note: Text column width can only be adjusted within Text, Scrollmation, and Background Scrollmation sections.

To adjust a text column, hover over either of the outside lines at the edge of the text column. The line will be highlighted and a handle will appear.

Grab the line and drag it to the left or right to adjust the width of the text column. An overlay of a 12 column grid will display as a guide. As you drag the number of grid columns remaining will display outside of your text column to let you know where it is placed within the grid.

An orange dotted-line will appear in the centre and any number of remaining columns will also change to orange to indicate when your text column is centred.

The minimum width for a text column is 4 grid columns. An indicator will display when you have reached the minimum size.